Sunday, December 11, 2011

Nazareno Landi

I don’t know too much about this guy. A friend of mine told me that he was a priest in Fiume (Rijeka) and builded only a few violins. But I could not confirm this information yet.  Although I have only just started the research about instrument.
The label says: „Nazareno Landi 1889”  - and I can’t read the name of the city… „San Maria Para”? but it is in Brazil…
This is an old oil varnish violin, and there are no damage on the instrument. The violin is a very nice work. The shape of the body is narrowing, even though only half a millimeter is the deviation from normal. The upper part of the body is 16.5 cm (rather than 17cm), and the lower part is the usual 21 cm.

I like the ornamentation of the peg box. Tasteful work - spectacular but not distractions if you watch the scroll.

 The maker has inserted in a unique way up the neck to the ribs. There is not a sharp boundary between the rib and the saddle, they are
„merge into” with each other.

The violin’s voice is balanced it sounds equally above and below . It is an ideal instrument for classical music. But as you can see, the most impressive part of the instrument is the purfling.

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